Ladies Flock Like Bees To The Hive
I have a suspicion that no one really knows what we're supposed to put on the left-hand side of the journal in Lang. I don't, you don't, and Mrs. Niemi sure as hell doesn't. I asked her what she wanted there, and she just read back the same cryptic instructions off the sheet we already had. Translation: read my mind and do it right. Oh well, test tommorow.
So JM and I decided to start a super blog. It's called Superblog. Don't worry, I'll still post my daily musings here, but some hopefully more structured pieces and regular features will be available over at the superblog. Plus Josh actually blogs some stuff and that can be interesting. Sam Walker is technically a contributor, but he never contributes, so no problem. And Pammy has some startling statistics for you?
Holy Christ, Catherine Lepel is irritating. I assumed everyone was being a little facetious (lang vocab word, if only niemi could see me now) when they talked about her, but now I see the light, and it is glaring and flashing and right in my eyes. She sits right behind me in Lang and is roughly the irrative equivalent of a tiny, tap-dancing leprachaun playing soccer against my left eardrum. One day I walked into class softly whistling "The Stars and Stripes Forever," and Lepel proceeded to loudly hum the flute part for the remainder of class, as if she were proving to me that she recognized the song we had both been playing TEN MINUTES earlier. Two thumbs up, Lepel.
On the plus side, Sam and I acted with appropriate force against the stupidest theme dress-up day I've seen in a while: GI Joe and Barbie Day, scheduled for next thursday. I made a new sign and Sam helped me put it up. See if you can spot the difference:

Someone removed it rather quickly (it was only secured with scotch tape), but we plan to attach a similar sign tommorow, this time with glue or something so that removal means serious structural damage to the poster itself.
Fuck the police.
Labels: bread
Joel gave Tristen a lift up to get it off. It was a sad moment.
Lepel was babbling to Anna, Paige, and me in psych. She was going on about how she wanted to be in girl scouts... and that's all I got.
By the way, I've been trying to metacognate about the left side for hours.
Hey, maybe we could just BURN THE MOTHER DOWN.
C.L. is so lame.
good job guys
The sign was entertaining, to say the least. Just don't ask Taylor Anderson what he's dressing up as that day. As for Lang, I let it go. She wants the journal some time later and as far as I'm concerned, it is the first thing we have to do...meh.
hey john way to be in brainerd when I was in teh cities.
When do you learn if Max made homecoming court?
Last week, no dice. :(, or :) if you're that kind of person.
Hey does anyone have any good quotes about creativity to start an essay with?
that's frickin amazing, just so you know. had I been there, I would have glued it on for you. God knows those annoying banners were always in my line of vision...
my bad.
who came up with gi joe and barbie day? uh. . .awkward
I think it was jack freeman
i can see jack coming up with that.
Hey Nax, at least give me credit for independently concieving that shit.
Oh, you were "thinking about it" aka thinking about buckminster fuller while staring at thursday on the banner.
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