Mustaches Tee … ON TOP OF A VOLCANO.

Hell yes.
(My very belated entry to the Spring Break Photo Contest — I didn't get the pics from my dad until now.) I smell
Labels: billions and billions, bread
Rugged And Unorthodox. Robusto Ed Eterodosso.
Labels: billions and billions, bread
Despite being in Hawai'i, it was actually quite cold on top of this 10,000 foot-high volcano (3000 meters) so you all should know what a sacrifice I was making standing outside in my Mustache Shirt.
Sam, were the award mine to give, I'd through in a mustache comb for utter Mustache Nation Annihilation.
i forgot my sister's camera-holder/case thing in your van.
if you could bring it to school/graduation tomorrow that would be amazing. gracias.
you do smell
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