Stop Trying To Hit Me And Hit Me
In the proud tradition of finding connection where there is none:

While bumming around the streets of Brainerd I noticed a slight similarity between two newish signs. Both remind people to pay attention to the little things, but the connection I saw was much more subtle: Each sign uses the bolts holding it to its post to reinforce its message.
In the "Clean Up After Your Pet" sign, the lower bolt appears as a gleaming ball bearing of canine waste, seemingly small compared to the shadowy Malamute standing over it, but still having a potential cost of $700 if neglected. The sign's message, reenforced by the bolt, is that picking up after your pet is a small price to pay.
In the "Fastened?" sign, the upper bolt is placed suggestively through the forehead of the innocent silhouette in his car seat, effectively portraying a steering column to the skull after a crash. While a standard Goofus/Gallant layout may have been more clear, with the buckled Gallant safe and secure and the unbuckled Goofus bleeding internally, this sign saves space (and the viewer's valuable time) by combining an image of of how to ride the proper way with a chilling reminder of what happens to those who don't.
Coincidence? Probably. But maybe, just maybe, there's something happening here...
Labels: billions and billions, bread
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