Jay Ay Zed Zed
Signs I will make tonight to replace "GI Joe and Barbie Day", because Sam Walker is a lazy SOB:
-Killers and Hoars Day
-Gender Role Reinforcement Day
-Cross Dressing Day
-Unrealistic Body Image Day
and to cover up the entire "Spirit Day" portion:

In the same "Fucking up stupid shit" vein, apparently we're going to take a picture of the entire senior class this Friday for the yearbook? Is this...new? And is there any way we could screw it up? I'm not sure if it'd be better to make it so bad that they couldn't put it in the yearbook, or to make it subtle enough that it'll get in and we can all point at it and laugh. I mean, we could dump a bunch of glue and confetti over the whole group (we'll probably be seated on the bleachers), or even just the confetti, or we could put something on the benches: Glue? Paint? Nails?
At the very least, we should get as many mustache shirts in there as possible, even if we have to break into the Brainonian offices and photoshop in a few extra hundred shirts. Everyone wear 'em friday, okay?
And no one except Bundy is allowed to use "Spirit Day" as an excuse for not wearing it.
P.S.: So apparently someone started making and selling "License to Duct Tape" shirts for seniors, to replace our current crappy "License to Graduate" official senior shirts (007, get it?). Well in Gilby's class, Gilby read to us from an email, informing us that we will not be allowed to wear the shirts on school grounds, and anyone wearing one will be asked to remove it or turn it inside out.
Lemme get this straight: I see shirts that objectify women and glorify drug use on a daily basis, but when someone verbally challenges the new "anti-hazing" policy, the fucking hammer comes down.
Jesus Christ.
Labels: bread
I'm not sure I understand here.
Do you mean to say that objectifying women and glorifying drug use is a bad thing?
*are bad things. whatever. shut up.
that is lame.
i have an excuse for not wearing a mustache shirt this friday, because i don't have one. i like the gender reinforcement day, and what is a "hoar"? is it supposed to be a "whore".
As far as screwing up the class picture goes, a kid at BHS like 10 years ago brought a white cardboard arrow and pointed it at himself as they took the picture, so everyone could see where he was in the picture. You could point to the mustache shirt.
Dain you shouldn't know such words you young boy.
how about we get we get 15 people to
(simultaneously...as the camera takes the pictures)
reveal their stomachs to say:
that would leave a mark.
in case you were confused.
THEY PAINT their stomachs.
man i'm on crack. sorry.
Everyone could wear duct tape across their mouths - so as to conceal any possible visible emotion concerning our school.
Kubas we would need 17.
bhs fucking sucks
except for midnight dave. and joel lofstrom
alot of schools do a class photo. like, ALOT.
and alot of groups in the class photos do things like make t-shirts that spell out "omg 2006 is the best friends forever yay!"
so, uh, i don't know. there's that. and in most cases, they'll take several so if a group decided to take their shirts off at the last second so they spell out "ass and titties" they can split it up or whatver.
so there's that. you know, not all new ideas are bad ideas.
I plan on being "suspiciously" absent from said photo, unless we come up with a brilliant way to screw with it, in which case, then I'll be there.
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