The Trifecta (Part One)
I'm probably going to have a lot of free time over the ensuing weeks, what with the holidays and all, and seeing as how I didn't get a Wii (despite my father's Herculean efforts in my absence), I'll need some way to fill it. After eliminating the usual (memorizing derivatives, transcribing the Oselund Brothers' comedic monolouges), and the improbable (learning the guitar, making out, doing backflips), I have decided that in an effort to fill at least5 hours of this need, I will see three films in the coming month or so:
-Stranger Than Fiction
-Casino Royale
-Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny
Today I saw the first of the three, Stranger Than Fiction. I enjoyed it. I didn't "fall out" of the movie's universe and start thinking about the real world (hmmschooltommorowonlythreedaysthisweekiwonderhowmuchshiti'm
concentrateontehmoviedamnitihatewhenthishappens) until about three-quarters into it, which is a good sign for me. Will Ferrel was suprisingly convincing in a very dramatic role, so good for him. Even so, I'm hoping we get to see his belly again in his next picture. Or he'll have a mustache. Or both. The film was very complex and often very pretty and I think it would benefit from multiple viewings.
That said, if I had to choose between seeing this movie again or seeing Borat for a third time, I would hesitate, then watch Borat.
THAT said, if I had to choose between having all the knowledge of the universe revealed to me in a single blinding flash of insight or seeing Borat for a third time, I would hesitate, then watch Borat.
P.S.: The Manly Mustches fantasy congress team has rolled into 3rd place in the Criminal Masterminds league. I'm hoping for a strong showing this next week from purported "ringer" Ken Salazar, who has thus far produced nothing but carbon dioxide and increased sales of cowboy boots.

Labels: bread
I can't believe James Bond is blond... that's just wrong.
"The Fountain" looks pretty interesting to me.
Yeah, but Kara is kicking your butt.
I just programmed my database to constantly update my team with the Congressmen and Congresswomen who currently have the most potential to score the most points. I shall mourn your defeat in advance.
Salazar will eat dung!
some day borat will replace as oxygen as the one thing needed for human survival
I can deal with that as long as the naked wrestling scene gets left out.
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