Moving Into The Dormitory
So I've made my decision as to where I will be attending college. Next year you will find me in the University of Northwestern Minnesota, no, no I won't. Did you really think I was gonna give it up that easy?
I had some trouble making this decision, but it was nothing next to the trouble I've had with deciding how to do the INFORMING about the decision. For you see, Mr. Andrew Kubas made me promise that I'd tell him first, yet I also feel that I must honor my unspoken (I think) commitment to tell my dear sister first. At the same time, my strong egalitarian sentiments make me feel like a bloated autocrat for favoring some over others.
Sam Walker, being a sneaky bastard, made this point somewhat moot by spotting what I put down on my A.P. packet this morning, but, being the dramatic type, I think I'll still put my plan into action. Besides, I guess the prize for first to find out LEGITIMATELY is still up for grabs.
Now, in a method made possible by the wonders of cyberspace, I will now launch my all out media blitz. As close to simultaneously as possible, I plan to hit the publish button on this window, the send button on an email to Kubas, and the talk button on my phone to call Maya. I realize that there will be a couple of split-second discrepensies, but thanks to the vagaries of this newfangled technology, the chance to be the true victor in this race for information should be fairly even. I suppose Maya has a slight advantage, but I'll stall for a couple of seconds to give Kubas a chance to check his email and the circling sharks of the Internet a few brief moments (that's all they need) to come upon the blog post.
Well here we go; the email is written, the phone is dialed, and the blog is done blogged. I have only to execute my little procedure and the shit will start to fly. Three, two, one.....OH WAIT.
I suppose I should include some info here about, you know, where I'm going to college and stuff. Ugh I'm having second thoughts right now, but it's about time I made this post, and this decision. It all comes down to the next sentence, folks...
Really it came down to the mascots. Willie Wildcat could take Goldy Gopher (or should I say Goldy STRIPED GROUND SQUIRREL?) any day of the week.

P.S.: This didn't really have anything to do with mascots. I've never seen Willie in action, but I imagine Goldy will be tough to beat.
P.P.S.: My grad party is scheduled for June 10th. Any suggestions for possible vegan food options?
P.P.P.S.: Sam seemed skeptical today, but I still think this is awfully neat. It's basically what I wish our treasure hunts were more a certain extent. Be sure to check out the archives.
nice call max
o btw im goin to the U
of M, that is.
not Michigan
wow. eight seconds ago i would've put max as far more likely to come here.
congrats on the decision-making.
Hey man I might've put myself there too.
BUT, I'm the decider.
Man sam you really got my hopes up with all the comments there.
Man I say man wayy to mannin' much, man.
Especially on the
two suggestions
1) Don't follow your older sister to northwestern
2) have your grad party a weekedn when i won't be in kansas!
WHAT? Goddamnit amelia! I really wanted you to be there! fuck. We, we'll teleconference you in?
What the fuck are you going to be doing in kansas anyways?
P.S.: Thanks for all the support...NOT
I came up with a sweet password for my nw email thing.
And yet I can't tell you about it, or I would violate it's prime directive.
Now THAT'S irony.
Maybe you should just use a different password and tell us that one. Congratulations! Picking a college is hard. Vegan food: black bean burgers.
Good work, Max.
I'm intrigued by black bean burgers. Black beans are pretty delicious.
Black bean burgers are not very tasty to me.
Sie schmecken mir nicht so gut.
But I imagine they may be workable. Any actual vegans who actually plan to attend this party have any feelings on this topic?
congrats max, good decision.
snaps, northwestern.
i don't really care as long as it's a large amount of it. and it's not gross but i have a pretty open mind when it comes to eating food
i hope my kids are as smart as the kuehns.
i hope my kids are exactly like me in every way except really good at classical instruments
so some sort of mattson/sloss hybrid.
wouldn't we all be better off if we were mattson/sloss hybrids...?
My advice from yesterday: don't go to college, and enlighten your days with an abundance of "Koreann time."
check it
If I accumulate enough money, I might purchase a clone army of Mattson/Sloss hybrids. Not sure what I'd do with them. Maybe just watch 'em go about their business.
Titz Sloss!
I can't think of a more terrifying battle cry.
well, since i canceled the lsat plan, i'll be spending that weekend at a hippie fest.
i am so sad.
but congrats.
dude, fruit kabobs were a huge hit with the vegans that came to my grad party
At my grad party, Chris Oseland snorted a line of Smarties. He was shortly thereafter banned from the premesis of the new Houle household, even before we had begun living there.
Houle, that sounds like pretty much the best grad party ever.
Fruit kabobs: like regular kabobs, but with fruit?
Man amelia, this talk of teleconferenceing in reminds me of when tobias discovered that the dude doing the girls w/ low self esteem videos was actually a never-nude.
"I didn't see you at the convention"
"Yeah, I was in germany. I teleconferenced in."
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