Self-Psychoanalysis (The Best Kind of Psychoanalysis)
Doctor: Max Kuehn
Patient: Max Kuehn
Patient's testimony:
So today when I was walking home from tennis, John, Jeff, and Bryce buzzed me in Bryce's (?) big black truck. They kind of caught me by surprise as I was distracted by the old iPod, but I had a fast enough reaction time to give them all the finger. Then, as they drove away, I turned towards them and armed my imaginary rocket launcher.

I aimed carefully, pulled the trigger, and then moved the second crosshairs over their rapidly receding vehicle to lock-on. After a brief pause to let an innocent van go by, I fired my imaginary rocket. As I visualized their car going up in a ball of fire, I thought quietly to myself (in a very dramatic voice) "
Triple Kill!"
Diagnosis: Patient has violent, sociopathic tendencies towards jerks in cars and difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy.
Prescription: He needs to play some Halo, seriously.
Labels: billions and billions, bread
Come on now Max, this post is weak. We have had 4 posts in the last 2 hours and this is by far the worst. What is the point of it, explain.
Kurt, just because you suck at halo doesn't mean you need to take it out on the rest of us.
Also, who are you to complain about the posts on this blog when you post once every, oh, 3 weeks?
We could play some Halo while we wait for the bread to bake, fo' shizzle.
Max, When I wrote that, all your post was was a picture that said "Kill-tacular" above it. It didn't make any sense or have any point like that. Now I understand and approve of the post.
Halo is a decent prescription for anything. Especially herpes.
my favorite post so far.
come play halo with us this weekend.
Max, what would YOU do for a Klondike bar?
Yeah, we owned you. We totally could have gotten a vehicle kill medal if we wanted to.
what would JESUS do for a klondike bar?
I'd turn water into wine... maybe make a few fish feed a thousand people.... repent the sins of the world... you know, the usual stuff.
couldn't you turn water into klondike bars?
or at least...just blink your eyes and have a klondike bar?
I don't have those kinds of powers! Who do you think I am... Chuck Norris?
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