can you see him in the day? how 'bout the night?

Tra La La! Behold! A birthday cake! Not just any birthday cake! A cake fit for a mustache king!
Let's celebrate, folks! Today, we're participating in a festival...our three month anniversary! That's right, our baby blog can now hold up it's own head...drool...poop...and that's pretty much it.
I call mustache.
Labels: billions and billions, bread
THAT was one the best days in english class ever
your blog wont be able to grow a mustache for more than a decade. how do you feel about that?
decade is a really generous estimate. I don't know many 10 years olds with 'staches.
What kind of pansy-ass 10 year olds do you hang out with, Houle?
Pretty much just Matt Houle and Sam Walker.
I can't believe no one's going to see this!
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