This One Goes Out To Hard Luck Louie
I'm considering building myself some stilts, or buying some if the price is right. I'll probably build my own, though. I wonder what material would work best for stilt construction. Wood, despite being wicked heavy and kind of expensive, will probably end up proving its superiority as stilt-making material.

Stilting seems like a good hobby; you get fresh air, exercise, a temproary boost in elevation. Plus, it opens up all sorts of career opportunities at car dealerships and such. Perhaps I could join some sort of stiltist enthusiast's club. We'd meet once a month to race each other and trade stories about our myriad stilt-based exploits.
Possible problem: I'm not real good at balancing.
id go straight to the pogostick max. once you can do a backflip, you get SPONSORED.
pogostick is a motherfucking no-go for max.
id go three and a half feet... might be difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it, that's a whole 'nother half a foot.
i think this comment will go down as the most inane thing ive ever typed. and there's some fierce competition in that category...
i don't know that many stilters started off with three-foot stilts. I'd try a foot at first and work up from there.
thats rediculous jason. he may as well wear some platform shoes as make one-foot stilts.
I've been thinkin.
If I could do a backflip on STILTS, I could get probably a SCHOLARSHIP for that.
man, stilts are sweet. I forgot about those things. I used to go to this summer camp where they had stilts everywhere, and you could just stilt around and leave the stilts at another stilt holder posty thing when you got sick of stiltin'. it was totally sweet.
See, that's the kind of stilt excitement I'm after.
as long as you're at it, you should learn how to ride one of those really tall bikes. they've always impressed me.
also, don't follow your sister to northwestern. go to the effin U
Perhaps something is wrong with your inner ear, and once you get that checked out, balancing will no longer be el problemo.
Max. . .
California. Is surfing a motherfucking no-go too?
I wish I could surf.
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