This Isn't How It Looks
How terrifying is this picture? Not only am I about to eat a delicious puppy (Hercules, or Herakles to those who keeps it real), I have a nasty little stubble and a weird red bump on my forehead from hitting a ropes course guy-wire while playing gatorball on Friday. Plus, that dog would totally fit into my mouth if I tried.
I think I've finally found my new facebook picture.

Labels: billions and billions, bread
That is my favorite dog... EVER. Can I hold it sometime and play with it and feed it and love it????!?!?!?
i think its 18 X 24 or something like that...i can always double check tomorrow... this week is kinda slim on getting things to work for me... monday i am totally free but tuesday i have a dentist appointment at 4. wednesday i work and thursday through sunday i am in Wisconsin. i could easily get Mrs Carlson to donate some canvas to paint on... what exactly are you looking for? like heavy duty watercolor paper or actual canvas or what? i have some left over purple and orange paint if either of those colors works... as far as electrical tape i would be willing to pitch in for the cost heck buy it all (it is cheap right?)... and are you even still going with the electrical tape idea? i'll talk to you tomorrow about what you are thinking. until then...
cuuuuuuuuuuute. but don't you dare eat it. and let tara come play!
by the hercules wearing a 'frilly' collar? i am confused...
We should get nice fancy canvas that fits the frame if Carlson is just giving it away.
I can buy paint and tape at ACE, probably even get a sweet discount from cameron if I catch him.
I suppose sam can handle the quotes, I'll talk to him about it.
It's a manly powder blue, you can't tell because of the flash.
and his overpowering musculature is enough to make you ignore the stylish collar.
Tara, I guess I did promise that you could visit puppies when you asked me BEFORE my dog was even pregnant. Their eyes will open this week, just keep pestering me and I'll find a time for you to visit.
constant, YOU'RE MY PERSONAL MYTH!!!!!!! The first hot dog ever seen in my life!!! YOU'RE GREAT!!!
Like I said on facebook.
We had to eat those dogs. Jesus Christ Superstar left us so empty
why aren't me and john being included in this project
I can hook you up with that masking tape, fo' shizzle. Did you want the painter's tape that comes off more easily (and is blue) or the regular off-white stuff? No matter what the project is, it HAS to piss Tay off.
Because you guys are lazy sacks of crap.
Cameron, it's way modern so OF COURSE it will piss tay off. I'm not sure if you missed it, but the plan is for a very modern, abstract, rothko-esque painting with just a field of avacado green paint with a strip of day-glo orange tape down the side. You know, maybe an update is in order.
yay i'm so excited!!!
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