The invading armies planned for everything - except for eight kids called "The Wolverines."

All this thinking about Swayze movies reminded me of the all-time classic "Roadhouse" (the box of the DVD has a review describing it as "A violent tough-guy thriller"). More specifically, I thought of the scene where Patrick orders a cup of coffee (black, duh), and the barkeep says "Leaded or unleaded?" and the Swayz answers "Leaded!" with a chuckle. I have a dream that someday I will order coffee, and be asked "Leaded or unleaded?" so I can respond with "Leaded!" and a chuckle.
I should be Dalton (Swayze's character in Roadhouse) for Halloween. I'd just need a tight black t-shirt, jeans, boots, and a stare so icy it could freeze the devil himself dead in his tracks.
Bought a ringtone today: A Tribe Called Quest's "I Left My Wallet In El Segundo." There was no Talking Heads and the Prince collection was pitiful, so I went with my favorite rap chorus.
I forgot a couple of LOTR lines for everyday use.
10,000 strong at least.--Aragorn
Use it: Whenever asked how much of something there are. (thanks erik)
Your staff is broken.--Gandalf
Use it: Whenever someone gets owned.
Labels: billions and billions, bread
Fun fact: Red Dawn was the first PG-13 movie.
I read that on imdb and thought "hmm, there's a fun fact."
Dub, are you a fan of the Swayz?
Max, why the hell would you pay for a ring tone? Are you some sort of tool of the man?
Sam, you'll understand when you get a phone of your own.
Maybe you could ask your little sister about it.
Max, I am not a huge fan of Swayzee. I liked Red Dawn at the time (though I doubt it holds up over time), I like The Outsiders, and I secretly love Ghost. Oh yeah, and you have to enjoy Road House. I never liked Dirty Dancing, though.
But I do not think he is a good actor.
And I always spell his name wrong. There was small town near my home town called Swayzee, so I always put the extra "e" on Mr. Swayze's name. Damn you, Swayzee, Indiana!
ever seen city of joy? i myself have not, but my film studies prof last semester constantly referred to as THE movie to see so you know how NOT to make a movie
Sam, you'll understand when you get a phone of your own.
Maybe you could ask your little sister about it.
Max, I understand the concept of ringtones.
I don't understand the conecpt of paying money for them.
This conversation moved past that a long time ago, Samwise.
Oh geez I'm sorry for talking about what I want to on my own damn blog.
Don't make me delete your ass.
Mmmm, a little defensive, are we?
Sam, I was BURNING you with that line. Because your sister is younger than you are, yet she has a cell phone and you don't! Ha ha ha.
And it's worth it to me to spend $2.50 for a ring I like. That said, is it possible to make your own ringtones?
and this is not just your blog. It is the blog of many persons.
I think Sam should take his own words LITERALLY, and actually delete Jason's ass. I'd like to see Jason try his hula dancing then.
Flamingo Kid was actually the very first movie to get the PG-13 rating, but it wasn't released for 5 months after it's classification. Oooh... I actually knew something Wang didn't about MOVIES. That's pro'lly a one-timer.
Unfortunately for Sam Walker, I have exclusive administrative powers over my ass.
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