Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls
Alright, so here's the hope-o-meter (patent pending):

Now as I see it we can pretty much disregard the demoralizing effect of this Open Forum letter:
Illegal aliens and abortion
It is not true that millions of illegal aliens are here doing the work Americans refuse to do. They are simply doing the work millions of aborted Americans were not given the chance to do.
Steve DesMarais
Because it is completely cancelled out by this excellent passage about Christmas trees:
"There is something ghastly about a tree--its look of many-limbed paralysis, its shaggy and conscienceless aplomb--encountered in the open, let alone the living room. At night, you can hear it rustling and slurping water out of the bucket."
-John Updike
So right now we've got the Saints' loss to the Bears and my iPod's distressing new habit of playing the first twenty seconds of a song, then stopping (and now sitting next to my keyboard, making audible clicking noises as iTunes tells me it has been "corrupted"--Fuck) pushing the hope-o-meter down to, oh, let's say, 35.

Oh well. I have a feeling that new classes (not for me, but for everyone else) will give me a bump this week. I suppose deutsch and physics will stay the same, but calc may get a refreshing twist.
Also, remixed 5th hour Lang? Macro-econ with a KUBAS in the mix?
Things are looking up.
Labels: bread
Damn, 7 mustaches in the palace.
Not bad for a sunday night
let me see your iPod. I'm kind of a doctor(!) mostly it involves shaking and resetting, but it works. the click is the hard disk lens skipping
update: my iPod seems to have found its mind once more, and if I don't get to watch any more reggie busch this postseason, at least I don't have to watch any more tom brady.
Hey Max, do you know when the Lucky Lindy is?
Because I vaguely recall Rezac mentioning something about the 27 of January.
well I have both a band rummage sale and three SAT IIs on that day
so let's hope not
colts-patriots: one of the top five if not top three football games I've ever seen.
i used to live in the same town as stupid people like that. hooray for staples.
reggie BUSH max... bush. like, you know, a mini-tree.
and a little part inside of me died when i read that open forum letter.
Well, at least the illegal aliens weren't aborted, because then to whom would we turn?
like landscaping, dishwashing, picking our fruit...
lucky lindy is on Feb 3.
Also, the new version of fantasy congress was unveiled today
your hope-o-meter contains the colors red and green.
therefore, it is impossible for me to interpret it.
Kubas, if you can't see red and green, how did you know that I used them in the hope-o-meter?
I didn't get to see pug puppies last time around, so I'm definitely hitting you up this time.
gonna be in brainerd 2-4th, i think
in kubas' defense, it's called inductive reasoning.
and that letter makes me want to vomit and/or strangle the author.
also in defense of Kubas, you mention both the colors red and green in your post.
Aw, fuck you guys
Except you cameron. You're cool. Gotta try your iPod witch-doctor magic tommorow.
And kubas, isn't it like when you see red or green you can categorize it as "red or green", you just can't tell which one it is?
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