Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Barrows: Gateway to Fort Ripley

Fun facts: A Google search for "Barrows Minnesota" yields some truly beautiful results, including this one
which helpfully lists all one of Barrows' many attractions: the Mississippi River.

And this one
gives you a world map on the furthes zoom setting, then zeros in on Barrows like a smart bomb. At the highest zoom, you can practically smell the rusting chassis on the lawn.

I'm surprised they don't have a website, at least for the chamber of commerce. Oh well, I suppose you need at least one computer in the town before you can start a website.

By the way, how great are these Italians? I wish I could go to Italy. Do you suppose Barrows has a counterpart in Italy? Some dingy little burg that still runs off of moonshine money. But in Italy!



At 4:58 PM, March 08, 2006, Blogger fayna said...

it's 11:55 pm in italy.. r u there? It might be afternoon in Mustaches Land, isn't it? what r u doing?

At 6:25 PM, March 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barrows has the natural wonders of tire piles and abandoned vans, minivans, conversion vans, rapist vans, etc.

p.s. tell that italion stallion i say "come here often?"

At 8:28 PM, March 08, 2006, Blogger constant_k said...

I hope we see some rapist vans. Those sound like the best.

And fayna, it was 4:58 pm when you posted. Good job using "r" and "u", that's a little idiomatic, I'm impressed.

We're going to try to give the Italian contigent a treat pretty soon here, show you a little bit of our culture.

At 9:39 PM, March 08, 2006, Blogger keuber said...

dear fayna,

you are amazing. someday, we will have a crazy post for you.

i'm guessing it will be next week...

At 6:16 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger fayna said...

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At 6:49 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger fayna said...

hallo guys! amelia don't doubt, I'm visiting the Mustaches page since Sir Alex gave me the address! Staches, you're cool! It's a pity that we didn't coincide in real time yesterday.. I suppose you're sleeping now, I'm happy for you, sleeping is one of my favourite activities! I'm sure one day we'll find a meeting time to talk together, Mustaches and Stallions could put straight the way of the world

At 8:09 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger Erik said...

"Mustaches and Stallions could put straight the way of the world."

Max, I think you now have your senior quote for next year.

At 3:52 PM, March 09, 2006, Blogger keuber said...


what happened to sir alex? my computer says his blog and profile have been deleted...

At 4:36 PM, March 09, 2006, Blogger fayna said...

you're right keuber! we don't know what happened to his page but we are so sad.. We have to help him, his page has been deleted and he lost everything. Damn, it was a collection of wise thoughts, wise as our Sir Alex is. Unfortunately, the time he didn't act wisely cost him his creature, "casasiry". Siry, don't bother, you're still great. And remember: "Why do we fall down?"

(the answer is: "to stand up again")

At 8:22 PM, March 09, 2006, Blogger Jason said...

We must pull together like never before in this time of crisis; Stalions, Staches, and GPAers, hand-in-hand working to preserve the great casasiry...

At 8:38 AM, March 10, 2006, Blogger Erik said...

... and one Showstopper sort of helping, but not really.


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