Oh well do you, do you do you want to?
But his mean friends called him "Pube-oss."
He worked and worked
But wanted to play.
...Problem was,
It rained all day.
So he gathered some friends,
And they whistled a tune.
Then it struck him,
"Let's clean the band room!"
Along with four cans of nuts,
A cumberland, and gun,
Four young workers
Left the room with a run!
After two hours of work,
And absolutely no pay,
Seven smelly uniforms
Ended up saving the day!

Their spoils were hidden
For three long nights...
Surviving only
Under the Neon's trunklight.
Little Kubas
Began to holler and scream!
Then Maxwell declared,
"Just think about Halloween!"

A fashion show followed
With a cameo from the gun.
Little ol' Kubas
Had way too much fun.
Ladies and gentlemen, after "obtaining" my treasure, my room really smells. I'm talking...it smells more than usual. I need your assistance.
If you would like to help the young Mr. Kubas, please feel free to send your donation of a money order and/or air freshener to:
“The Make Kubas’ Room Smell Better Foundation” [TMKRSBF]
C/O: Andrew Kubas
702 S. 5th Street
Brainerd, MN 56401
Labels: billions and billions, bread
Welcome to the mustache blog, we do verse now.
Killer poem. You should set it to music. and that uniform is undeniably pimping. I just hope one of them fits me...
dang!! kubas looked pretty sharp in that uniform. have any extras?
I like tays new link
That sexy last picture is totally going to be the wallpaper for my new laptop.
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