Win One For The Gipper
I just walked to Cub Foods and back, through a blizzard, while listening to the Kleptones' A Night At The Hip-Hopera. I'm a big fan of walking while listening to music. The only time I really don't like to walk is during heavy rain or extreme cold. The benefits of walking with music are three-fold:
1. The walking
I don't get enough exercise, and when I do go to the YMCA I am inevitably infected with some sort of sweat-transmitted virus. Walking is easy on the ol' knees and back, and it forces me to appreciate how out of shape I am when I get out of breath and sore from goddamn walking.
2. The music
I don't listen to enough music, and when I do I'm always doing something else at the same time so I can't really appreciate the tunes. When I'm walking I've got nothing better to do but listen to the lyrics and memorize the chorus.
3. The beauty
I don't see enough sweet stuff during the course of the day, and when I do I don't have time to appreciate it. Walking gives me a chance to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. The snow was really pretty today, for example, and walking down the middle of fourth street during a blizzard at 9 p.m. after a Tuesday night orchestra concert is also good fun, as I learned last year. Why, just yesterday, when I was walking to the high school for my final pep band performance (sniffle, sob), I saw the wind whip two sheets of paper out of a trash bin and up into the stratosphere, and I watched a single cigarette ember blow down the street for quite a ways. Also, the music and the atmosphere will occasionally line up, which is wicked sweet.
Kubas, I think you should do both Pelkey and Christian Barnett a solid and get a real American Hero tattooed on your biceps. He'll smile when you flex?

Dr. Gary Vikan, Lade's friend who runs the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, has a blog now. It is new, but pretty good. It focuses, as one might expect, on art. Comments only appear after being "approved by the blog administrator," so be patient.
Labels: bread, voodoo economics
Um, there's more criteria for being a blizzard than 'it is snowing'.
Sam it has been snowing for several hours, it is snowing hard, and the wind is blowing steady at about 15-20 mph. I think that qualifies as a blizzard.
it's blizzarding real bad here too, i'm gonna trudge back through the snow for a dodgeball tournament/game of illuminati with houle and some newbs, but i don't know what i will listen to yet.
Man dodgeball tournament/game of illuminati sounds like fun.
But I think I'll watch Godfather Pts. I and II instead.
shit dudes, 3.5 hours to legal adulthood. Better get my law breakin' done while I can.
guys, i won the game of illuminati in 2.5 turns. it was the fastest victory ever
I always have to be the teacher . . .
A blizzard is a very specific term, and cannot be used whenever there is a big snowstorm.
Much like you cannot say "it was really windy, so I say it was a hurricane," you also cannot claim blizzard when there isn't one.
Conditions for a blizzard:
- visibility of less that 1/4 mile
- winds of 35 + mph for three straight hours.
That said, I agree Max, it is fun to wal in a snowstorm.
And by wal, I mean the acronym WAL (walk around lovingly)
Goddamn josh,
2.5 is that even possible? Were you giving footjobs under the table or what?
he was playing with me and a bunch of n00bs; the cards screwed me over and Pelkey, Wiebusch, and Jeff teamed up to basically throw him an alley-oop.
no, i'm an illuminati master. everyone who disagrees with me can eat a kraft grilled cheese sandwich and die of cancer.
max- sweet tai chi bob youtube video that has you in it
Man tai chi bob was pretty sweet.
And josh you're gonna need to elaborate. I mean, even if everybody else is trying to have you win, I just don't understand how the numbers could pan out. You can only obtain so many groups per turn.
is that vid from eric vobeja's basement? bet THAT was a fun time
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