The Manly Mustache Contest of the Year

Over spring break my sister traveled to Texas/Mexico/Texico. Upon arriving, she immediately thought not of herself, but of others, and purchased this hula girl as a gift for me.
The problem: I can't think of a good name for her. So, for our contest, if you can come up with a quality name for this hula girl (it has to be appropriate...and I have to find it intriguing) you'll win $1. Heck, let's make this interesting. You'll win $5! I don't know how I'll find you/pay you...especially for those living in foreign countries, but you'll get your money.
Let the games begin!
Labels: billions and billions, bread
how many entries can you put in? if you enter more than one do your earnings decrease?
i say the girl looks like a "Tallulah" to me... maybe just because of the whole "hula" aspect... but she does indeed remind me of a Tallulah.
punxsutawney phillis
i just think it should be noted that she's a hula girl, but was purchased in texico. i just think the name should reflect that, but i have no actual suggestions.
My suggestion is WALKIRA.
A blend of "Walker texas ranger" and "Shakira" so something from mythology :)
if you prefer, writing it "walkhera", it would reflect also the fact that she's an heroine.
But I prefer simply walkira.
It's clear that she has extrahuman skills
I would have to say Miguel, because every Mexican is named Miguel
"Umiʻumi" not only has a nice ring to it, it is the Hawaiian word for mustache.
But if you want to go with Maya's Hawaii-Mexico hybrid, call her Umiʻumi Rosita.
ehm.. janitor, you were the guy who wrote about me "la ragazza* più bella"
I decided to ignore it but now I see that it wasn't an isolate case!
say hi to miguel! =P
Janet Reno
I have an idea: let's name it Josh Mattson.
"tallulah" <---if my memory serves me correctly, which i think it does, that is the name almost given to the jamaican bobsled on the hit movie "cool runnings."
i've gotta say, tom day is in the lead right now, janet reno is just so darn appropriate.
but, you can submit as many entries as you like. although my decision will be a bit biased, i haven't made up my mind yet!
I second that motion. Stich, I'll always remember the kittens incident.
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