Mustache 2007?
In my last post I suggested that we stay as the Manly Mustaches again for intramural, and I didn't really get any feedback. I think we should especially now that we know Johnson won't bring back the Mustaches. I know the Monstars shirts were pretty amazing but they also would be very expensive with 5 or 6 colors on them. I found a new possible logo, tell me what you think.

Labels: billions and billions, bread
I'll try to get a design made up with that on it, I was thinking probably yellow shirt with black logo.
Eww. I personally would not wear such a shirt.
Yeah, I'm not sure about this new design.
I'd pay a little extra for a monstars shirt. What is the logo for that, by the way?
do we even have the capability of fielding a team next year?
yes, that's a serious question.
We will find a way of fielding a team next year, but in the event that we can't I'll just have to join Johnson's team
Goddamn that monstars design is a hot shirt!
I'll want one regardless of what happens.
Okay so it's me, kurt, kubas, bundy...hennan/grant/bartel/tom day? We'll see.
Hennen said he wouldn't play for us and Grant has said he doesn't want to play for us either
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