Dry Your Eyes
I've got troubles. Right here in River City. Troubles with a capital T and that rhymes with B and that stands for Blog.
Justin Bock's posts were getting to me.
But I guess they were keeping the blog moving.
Maybe I should have just left and let the blog become the Justin Bock show.
But no: if Bock wanted to have a blog, he could have had one. I didn't want that crap on this blog.
If we had to resort to Justin Bock to continue adding content, then the blog may have truly run its course.
Now I'm sitting here, thinking about putting the blog down and moving on.
There would be a new blog, with many of the same contributors and probably similar content, just without all the baggage of the ol' staches blog.
It would be a new beginning.
But it would be an end.

Max- I need you to promise you won't delete this blog. the archives are too good.
I won't delete it, the archives are priceless.
I'm just talking about moving on, you know.
this blog has been good, but the end is unavoidable.
mustaches die,
GPA lives forever.
Fuck, Jason.
That's not what we need right now.
max get on MSN
are the chain of events leading to the formation of the new blog in place yet?
We don't need a new blog. The only reason to do that is if Kubas, Bundy and/or Tom would join it.
so its just the three of us manning the ship?
Kurt we gotta give up the blog ghost and let the mustache blog drift away into the night.
Kubas and Bundy might consider joining it too, but the main reason for moving on would be to drop old baggage, start fresh.
ok, so what is the plan for the new blog. Who'll be on it, what will it be called, when are you going to make it, ect.
I'm not really sure if i would want to join. I didn't post very much here, i might just go down with the blog.
Possibility: we just rename this blog and give it a new look.
New names:
The North Pole
Bread Party USA
Josh Johnson Fan Club
Those are all pretty terrible. I'll try to think of something better.
kurt (you should really stick around man, I need more superior college updates)
hey guys - i will tell you that i would be interested in joining the new blog...i need some way to keep in touch with you guys, right? plus, i've got some time on my hands; i may step up contribution with a fresh start. only if you guys really want me though, because, after all, i did bail on the mustache blog. plus i've been hating on tirth, but it's up to you - i'm here if you wish.
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