High Definition Semantics
I was vacuuming in my house today, when my productive mind churned up a very brilliant idea: how great would it be if, instead of the standardized dictionary(a historic document epitomizing humankind's finest achievements), we had a pictionary?
Instead of defining a word by employing a bunch of more words, this dictionary would define words by using pictures.The potential benefits from this miraculous invention are endless.Most importantly, this important tool will serve all of humanity by succesfully qualifying the long-standing(but unverified)claim that a picture is
"worth a thousand words".
Anyway, here are a few definitions that would find a place in this innovation:





Nobel prize winning American author Ernest Hemingway,a drinker of epic proportions
And finally, here is a word taken right from this venerable blog's title.

And as an early warning to the unimaginative goons who might try to pilfer this gem of an innovation, I am backed by two immutable forces of the Universe:
1) The U.S. Patent and Trademark office
2) Attorney Steve Lastovich, frequently seen on local T.V. commercials
P.S. Curiously enough, the word 'glad' rhymes with 'vlad' (as in Count Vlad the third, otherwise known as Vlad the impaler, the glorious inspiration behind Bram Stoker's chilling novel, Dracula)
Oh shit son, it's steven d lastovich
He's gonna sue you for $4 mill, sucka.
Not if i have scheck defend me
A pictionary?
As in, "Hey, I bet if I looked up 'hot stuff' in the dictionary, your picture would be there"?
That would be Max, not me
I worked on a Lastovich ad during my time at the Dispatch. Lots of photo editing to make him look less creepy.
Then, after it ran in the paper and they had sent the digital files back to him, Lastovich started using my work on like all his ads around town. Such as in the movie theater, where I first noticed it.
I feel like he owes me money.
uh that last comment was from me. i dont know why it says my name is "ghent". that's what my first born's name will be.
note to self: must find woman willing to have first child named ghent. also must not want diamond engagement ring.
C'mon Graham
Any woman who'll name her kid "Ghent" is gonna be one high class dame. Gonna need a diamond the size of a doll's head to reel that one in.
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