Mustaches Tee … ON TOP OF A VOLCANO.

Hell yes.
(My very belated entry to the Spring Break Photo Contest — I didn't get the pics from my dad until now.) I smell
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Rugged And Unorthodox. Robusto Ed Eterodosso.
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(Get it? No, really? All he saw...the car! HAHAHA. Should I explain why that's funny?)
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Labels: billions and billions, bread
Okay guys, I was just checking out Fayna's great blog, looking for that "fucking coke" video (someone please find it for me. Is it on Sir Alex's or what?), when I came across this picture of the two HOTTEST women I have ever seen in my life - no lie. Sorry Fayna, I need to re-release it. I just can't resist stealing and posting wet, dark-eyed, dark-haired brazilian women with exotic, mysterious looks on their faces.
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Mr. Bundy, I salute you. In the spirit of brotherhood (and because I need to get this damn treasure hunt together--Mattson, you lazy SOB, let's DO this!), I propose that all mustache contributors take the following pledge. Other, non-mustaches are welcome to join in, but we do need all the contributors. Just put your hand up to the screen and read the text aloud:
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as things have become like world war III up in this bitch lately, i feel the need to mediate. what the hell is going on, guys? we used to be so happy, with our mustaches, italians, bread, and all of that. now some of us (as in kubas, max, kurt and sam) are angry and paranoid. i want two posts down below to start off the healing process- one with each side of the story. and lets use our grown-up voices. no more verbal attacks. physical attacks are fine with me, but if you're going to fight don't tear the blog apart. i would like to see an outcome where everyone has their privileges back, and no one has to worry about them being taken away.
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everyone knows i'm a big time sports fan. but, similar to every american, i could care less about soccer. i'll admit: i was completely unaware that the world cup will take place in a few days. However, i'm always a pretty big fan of the non-stop soccer action, especially when the rest of the world goes crazy for the most popular sport.
(Cory Gibbs)
(Clint Dempsey)
(Pablo Mastroeni)
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Labels: billions and billions, bread
So here's how saturated with liberal guilt I am: I was hosting at LLL tonight and I seated a couple with child. The guy was black. I sat them in the worse room, and when they asked if they could move to a better table, I told them that it was going to be used by a larger party, which I honestly thought was true. As it turned out, the larger party didn't need it, and 30 minutes later I was seating a different couple at the nicer table. Now, even though I really did believe the table was in use, and even though I only seated the later couple there because I had to, I still felt guilty. In the eyes of my paranoid, guilty liberal consience, I had denied a black man a better table, and given the table to an old whitey instead. What's worse, his wife was white; maybe I'm subconciously prejudiced against interracial marriage too.
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Three things:
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Remember this.
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Labels: billions and billions, bread
yesterday was a DAY OF CELEBRATION for the mustache community.
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ok, sorry fellas, it's been a while since i've contributed, but i feel the need to tell you all something about max kuehn. it would be impossible to capture the mood and atmosphere of the situation in mere writing, but i'll make an attempt because i owe it to the world. first, a little background info. We were all at the Holbrooks' estate, for a nice, final evening we call the tennis get-together. there was food, some awards, volleyball....and DEATH. reader disrection is advised as you'll see a side of max you've NEVER seen before. as you may have read, i've appointed him as enforcer of the tennis team next year, because of this sole act of wanton punishment (in a good way, of course) -
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well, i am tragically afflicted with food poisoning.
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God closing the door: Five band officers were announced today, and I wasn't any of them. Weaksauce, man, friggin weaksauce. Andrew Kubas as president is fine by me, though; I'm going to learn to play "Hail To The Chief" and f0llow him around with a valve trombone. Also, every day before band I'll walk into the band room and say "Mr. Melby, the President of the Symphonic Band!"
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Labels: billions and billions, bread
well, today i transformed my life and became "mini houle." i felt so freaking smart having the name "houle" on the back of my t-shirt.
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In today's strip, Beetle Bailey goes a long way towards cementing its reputation as the finest comic in the newspaper. You may need to open it in a seperate window to see it properly.
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Labels: billions and billions, bread
This is kind of what it looked like.
Man, we've had way too many posts for one day.
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I found a random C.D. on my desk, so I put it in the computer and started listening to it. I immediately regretted it. The speed and power of the songs overwhelmed me. It was just one instant classic after another; I never got a chance to catch my breath. It was like hearing God speak for 1.1 hours. What is the name, you ask, of this unstoppable disk of divine light? Why, the Manly Mixtape of course.
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if you haven't been blown away by the latest trend sweeping BHS...i'll keep you up-to-date.
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yesterday...boys tennis had a game at st. cloud tech. upon touring the school, we came across the most fascinating poster. (too bad i can't find it on google images!)
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I've put this off long enough:
For more about the show, click here for friendly (if thouroughly outdated) Canadian information.
Now, on to the important part: Horatio Caine, played by the transcendental David Caruso. He is the no-nonsense, straight-talking, indefatigable chief of the Miami crime scene investigation dept, and the most hardcore manly man on the small screen.
Seriously, this guy is the biggest bad-ass since Slim Pickens shot a baby in its crib. He may be a mere crime scene investigator, called to the scene only after the crime has been committed, but that doesn't stop him from shooting, on average, at least one crook every week. I don't care if they've got a sniper rifle, an AK-47, or an Uzi, Horatio (or "H," as his faithful CSIs call him) is coming at them, armed with only his sidearm and sense of justice.
As exciting as his action scenes are, it is Horatio's dramatic mannerisms and one-liners that make this show what it is. Every show opens with a murder (usually in a thumping Miami nightclub), then cuts to Horatio investigating the scene, talking with an assistant. Just before the credits kick in, H puts on his sunglasses and says something like "Looks like the streets of Miami just got a whole lot more dangerous" or (in the case of an assasination attempt on a popular rapper) "Looks like he's going to be number 1...with a bullet." Donning and removing of sunglasses is vital to Caruso's delivery, as are his constant akimbo (hands on hips) stances and habit of showing up just when the crook least expects it; for example: appearing in their rear-view mirror just as they close the car door.
I'll leave you with a final slice of Horatio: an armed member of a hispanic gang Horatio recently challenged tells H "You're dead, man!" and moves to raise his gun. H blows him away point blank and says "Join the club."
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here's the manly mustache challenge of the day:
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Labels: billions and billions, bread
For the next couple of weeks, I'm going to be caught in a sort of limbo between school and work, where A.P. tests are done, but work hours have yet to get crazy. So I'm not just killing time; I'm engaging in wholesale, wanton time slaughter. I hope my supplies last the fortnight. I have a fun new book about probability (Yeah, it's nerdy. Screw off.) called "Chances Are...", an incredibly difficult video game (Metal Gear), and, of course, this blog. So you can expect all sorts of fun posts, on subjects like this:
2. This rather exciting panel in the otherwise incurably dull comic strip "One Big Happy." Are the birds laying eggs or pooping? And what kind of zombie says "I AM ALL-POWERFUL"?
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Side View--Just look at that sideburn!
Man, this guy is clearly manly. I can't wait to eat him. I call mustache! Yum.
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Labels: billions and billions, bread
Well, as I sat in the media center, doing nothing of course, I decided to link to the greatest blog in the world. I have been trying to practice speed typing, because that is what everyone does, and I ended up spelling blogspot without the "s." This is where one simple deletion leads you.
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Labels: billions and billions, bread
Today’s Brainerd Daily Dispatch highlight:
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there once was a boy named kubas,
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this afternoon i was talking with robbinho and fayna, and we suggested having an american-italian-mustache party.
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Three things:
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i am blogging illiterate.
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Labels: billions and billions, bread
So I was listening to Flaming Lips the other day while mowing the lawn, and my thoughts drifted naturally to Harry Potter. More specifically, to a plan for a Harry Potter personality test. Not the kind of test where you add up points at the end and find if you're a "Harry" or a "Hagrid" or whatever. Just a little introspection game. It has three questions; I'll give a little background for all the awesome Italians/ weirdo Americans who haven't read Harry Potter. Feel free to give explanations, or not.
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deep thoughts.
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yup. that's ms. stanek's blogspot profile. don't ask how, just bow down and worship me.
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deep thoughts.
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So I was singing with Josiah at tennis today (because that's what we Brainerd Warriors do at tennis meets: we sing), and lil' Will Henningson asked us what we're singing. "Why, Jesus Christ Superstar," we replied. Will gave us a "Whaaaaaaaa?!?" look, and his incredulity only increased as we explained that is was a rock-opera about the last days of Jesus Christ. I sang a few parts (okay, a lot of them), and he had nothing to do but laugh. He asked us if it was a comedy, and I told him "No, it's a tragedy. He DIES in the end."
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You can view the higher-quality, google video of the Italian Party Here.
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"I now give you my word of honor," he went on, "that the picture your city owns shows everything about life which truly matters, with nothing left out. It is a picture of the awareness of every animal. It is the immaterial core of every animal—the 'I am' to which all messages are sent.. It is all that is alive in any of us—in a mouse, in a deer, in a cocktail waitress. It is unwavering and pure, no matter what preposterous adventure may befall us. A sacred picture of Saint Anthony alone is one vertical, unwavering band of light. If a cockroach were ear him, or a cocktail waitress, the picture would show two such bands of light. Our awareness is all that is alive and maybe sacred in any of us. Everything else about us is dead machinery."
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I realize this is two posts in a single night, but I have to act on this idea before I lose it.
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Warning: Self-aggrandizing anecdote to follow.
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yup, i know i'm pretty busy. but today i decided to "reflect" upon how much time i have missed from school. the final tally?
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First off, thanks to our lovely friends at ontherunfromcanada, we have obtained this picture.
So, here's our Mustache 1st Hour Contest of the Month! Who is this?
(BIG CLUE: We're with him right now in 1st hour)
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A quick update on the A.P. Art History project plan:
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